Descobreix l'Atlètic Club Templers: esport i cultura a Lleida

L'Atlètic Club Templers és un club esportiu de futbol sala i esgrima amb quasi 15 anys d'història. Oferim activitats federades i recreatives per a joves i adults, organitzant tornejos i esdeveniments culturals que fomenten l'esport i la comunitat a Lleida.

5/8/20241 min read

Players are actively engaging in a competitive soccer match on a green field with a black fence in the background. Two players in contrasting uniforms are prominently featured, vying for control of the soccer ball while other players are scattered in the background.
Players are actively engaging in a competitive soccer match on a green field with a black fence in the background. Two players in contrasting uniforms are prominently featured, vying for control of the soccer ball while other players are scattered in the background.

Esport, cultura, joventut